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What You Should Know About Progesterone Cream ?

Many women are concerned about the safety of Progesterone Cream. Yes, the answer is yes. Progesterone, in small doses, can prevent bone loss and slow skin ageing. Progesterone Cream can be used on any part of the body, including the neck, inner thigh, lower abdomen, and vagina. Applying the cream to areas where you would have sex with a man may increase your chances of miscarriage. It’s also critical to ensure that the product you buy has the correct USP (USP) label.

Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is found in greater quantities in women than in men. It collaborates with oestrogen to promote the menstrual cycle, prepare the uterine lining for implantation, and build new bone tissue. Furthermore, it aids in the control of excessive uterine lining growth, which can lead to a variety of conditions, including endometriosis.

Natural progesterone is a bioidentical hormone, which means it shares the same molecular structure as the hormones produced by our bodies. Dr. Russell E. Marker discovered diosgenin, a substance found in wild yam roots that can be converted chemically to progesterone, in 1938. Most Natural Progesterone Creams contain diosgenin from Mexican yam, which is more easily absorbed through the skin.

Natural Progesterone Cream is a safe alternative to injectable or oral progesterone. It can be used later in life to treat PMS, painful menstrual cramps, and osteoporosis. Once you’ve ovulated, you should start using it. Ovulation usually occurs 10-14 days after the beginning of a period. The day after ovulation is the first day of your period.

Progesterone Cream has numerous advantages. It is a safe, natural alternative to taking medications orally. It can help with menstrual pain, PMS, and even osteoporosis prevention. Your doctor should determine the dosage. This is an important supplement that can help you live a better life and prevent bone loss.

When you start using a cream, your body is more likely to produce the hormone naturally, so it is a good option to include it in your natural regimen.

Progesterone cream is not recommended because the hormone is not absorbed through the skin. A Progesterone cream contains synthetic progesterone, but it is still ineffective if you have any symptoms. You should see a doctor about getting a prescription. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment for you. The advantages of progesterone cream are unknown.

Progesterone Cream is an excellent choice for women who have low progesterone levels. Using a cream can assist in balancing hormone levels and addressing a variety of health issues. Progesterone, either synthetic or natural, is present. Thankfully, topical progesterone creams are fat-soluble and easily absorbed by the skin. The creams allow you to control how much hormone you want to apply to the affected area.

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Dr. John Lee’s Progesterone cream

Looking for a more natural way to navigate Premenopause, Menopause, and beyond?

Dr. John Lee’s ProgesterALL cream

With our hectic and stressful lives, many women do not have time to learn how their fluctuating hormones can cause a slew of unpleasant symptoms. Symptoms of menopause, or even Perimenopause, can appear as the woman approaches menopause.

Hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, migraines, osteoporosis, stress and anxiety, mood swings, bloating, depression, endometriosis, weight gain, and the formation of ovarian cysts are all symptoms of endometriosis.

As a result, there is a lot of discomfort and confusion about how to best deal with day-to-day functioning rather than just coping.

Progesterone and Estrogen are the two primary sex hormones in women. These must be balanced in order for the body’s many functions to function properly. As we age, our ESTROGEN levels fall, followed by our PROGESTERONE levels.

However, a woman’s progesterone levels gradually decline over time, resulting in a gap between the two hormones, and Estrogen becoming the dominant hormone. This is when hormone imbalance occurs, and oestrogen dominance, as famously coined by Dr. John Lee, becomes apparent.

The ProgesterAll product enables many women to help rebalance this status quo by using a natural product that the body can work with without the risk of synthetic side effects. When a woman uses ProgesterAll, she will experience the incredible benefits of feeling hormonally balanced without the use of chemicals or artificial hormones. Our monthly contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy are all chemically designed to mimic our natural hormones. However, as with anything artificial, it may cause side effects in some people. The midlife transition is stressful, but if this equilibrium is worked on, symptoms can be relieved and disappear.

ProgesterAll Cream or Progesterone Cream – What Is It?

ProgesterALL Because it is bio-identical, the cream is recognised by the body and can be processed efficiently through the liver.
When applied to the skin, its ingredients are quickly absorbed into the underlying fatty tissues.
Dr. John Lee’s product has an easy absorption mechanism and is transported into the bloodstream rather than the stomach tract as a tablet.
Stomach acids and enzymes have the potential to alter the compound. A light transdermal cream-gel is simple to apply to key areas of soft skin away from direct sunlight. In most cases, at night, but in some cases twice a day. Full instructions are provided on how to use, intuitively and effectively, to monitor your own body in order to achieve a balanced system.

Each of us is one-of-a-kind. Every woman’s usage will differ depending on the severity of her symptoms, whether she is in perimenopause or menopause. Applying a sticky plaster to symptoms or taking a one-size-fits-all hormone tablet does not balance everyone’s ebb and flow as we age.

Progesterone Cream That Isn’t Synthetic A quarter teaspoon of ProgesterAll contains 200 mg of Natural Progesterone. The cream is vegan-friendly and has not been tested on animals. It contains no chemicals, animal-derived products, or parabens. Natural preservatives, such as grapefruit seed extract, are used exclusively.

To learn more about this amazing cream, we recommend reading one of his many books, which will help you understand how our bodies work and why this cream is the best way forward for hormone balance.

Dr. John Lee’s book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, is available from Amazon.

If you have any further questions, please email us at

How long will it take to see results?

Because every woman is unique and different, the process will vary, but it will also depend on the severity of the symptoms. Migraine sufferers will notice an improvement within the first two months, but a complete cure will take three to four months due to the fact that hormonal migraine runs alongside a woman’s cycle. ProgesterAll is a natural product that will work in conjunction with your body.
Women in full menopause, with hot flushes, night sweats, anxiety, and other associated symptoms, will achieve symptom relief within a month or so; the key is to be patient and examine your lifestyle habits and diet.

Restoring harmony and balance may take time, but it is well worth the effort. If your doctor or practitioner has prescribed a dosage for you, you should stick to it. You may, however, email us with any questions you have about hormone balance and your symptoms.

Basic symptoms should be relieved in 2-3 months, and complicated symptom patterns should be relieved in 4-6 months.

Who is Dr. John Lee?

Dr. John Lee was an internationally renowned author, speaker, and expert on Hormone Balance, Hormone Balance Diet, and, of course, Natural Progesterone Cream. Dr. John Lee died in 2003, leaving behind his life’s studies and medical investigations in the form of books and audios. He left his medical practise to focus solely on the study of female hormones and how they functioned. He was certain that what they required was something natural, and that it had to be progesterone. As with all science that challenges conventional wisdom, he fought hard and persuaded many people, including medical doctors, that his findings should be taken seriously. As a result, he has aided in changing the lives of women all over the world.

ProgesterAll cream can be purchased online on our website.

  • The cheapest price in all of Europe
  • Satisfied or refunded!
  • Dr John Lee’s Product
  • A 100% natural product
  • 31 € if you buy between 3 and 5 tubes
  • 29 € if you buy more than 5 tubes
  • For a Limited Time shipping fee is offered with the purchase of 6 tubs

Please contact us.

For more information or to make a reservation, please email us at, or fill out our enquiry form here.

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Rétention d’eau à la ménopause : pourquoi ? quoi faire ? (Water retention in menopause: why? what to do ? )

Rétention d’eau à la ménopause : pourquoi ? quoi faire ? (Water retention in menopause: why? what to do ? )

Fluid retention during menopause is a phenomenon known to many women. It is the action of retaining and fixing water in the subcutaneous tissues, especially in the lower limbs. This leads to swelling and water weight gain.

Water retention mainly affects women because certain female hormones – estrogen, aldosterone – accentuate venous circulation problems, one of the causes of water retention. It can get worse during menopause due to hormonal fluctuations, slower metabolism, and cardiovascular problems. But apart from the physiological changes in the body due to menopause, there is a psychological reason that further influences the phenomenon. Fluid retention is a sign of a more or less unconscious state of insecurity and fear. And this mental state can worsen during menopause.

In this article, I take stock of 4 essential sub-themes:

What is water retention, what are the symptoms? How do I know if I am holding water?
What is the difference between water retention and cellulite?
What are the reasons for water retention?
What are the solutions to reduce / eliminate water retention?

What are the symptoms of fluid retention?

The main symptom of fluid retention is swelling:
  • calves
  • ankles
  • legs
  • fingers.

If you feel “bloated”, if you have “heavy legs”, “swollen fingers”, for example, you are most likely having fluid retention.
What is the difference between water retention and cellulite?

Cellulite is the storage of fat, not water, in the form of dimples or clumps of fat. It is very unsightly orange peel.

Some parts of the body are better able to store fat, such as the hips, buttocks, thighs, and during menopause: the stomach and arms.

These fatty deposits are additional obstacles to the circulation of fluids in the body.
The human body and the water?

55% of a woman’s body is made up of water. It is a little less than the body of a man (65% water) because of the adipose tissue which is more important in the woman.

The amount of water in the human body depends on several factors. Gender, age, build… For more details, you can consult the CNRS file on this subject.

Inside the body, the water concentration varies from one organ to another: from 1% in the teeth to 90% in the blood plasma. Most of the water is found in the cells and then in the intercellular space. The rest is in the blood and lymph and is constantly circulating throughout the body.

But why do we hold back water?

There are several reasons:

Venous return problem or venous insufficiency: the blood has difficulty returning to the heart so it stagnates in the lower parts. Because of this stagnation, the blood vessels dilate and become more porous. An abnormal amount of water can then escape from the blood to the cells. These become waterlogged and cause the tissues to swell.
Poor lymphatic circulation: water is also transported, in part, by the lymph. Lymph is a yellow fluid secreted from a wound to aid in healing. Unlike the circulating blood pushed by the beating of the heart, the lymph has no pump to help it and is moved by muscle contractions and body movements. If you sit or stay still for too long, you imagine that your lymph will circulate poorly. It then accumulates in parts of the body such as the legs. The water contained in the lymph can no longer go back to the kidneys to be filtered there, and is therefore stored in the cells.
Renal failure, that is to say that the kidney plays its role poorly and is no longer able to filter all the water consumed by the body.
Not drinking enough. The body compensates by storing water. You should know that every day, we eliminate more than 2 liters of water through urine, perspiration and breathing (when exhaling, we reject the air which contains water vapor). In order not to get dehydrated and to keep the body healthy, it is necessary to compensate for the loss of water. Thirst is a mechanism by which the body warns that it is dehydrated. This means that you should drink before you are thirsty, that is, before you start to get dehydrated.
Lack of magnesium. The body needs this mineral for almost all functions. When the body lacks magnesium, it cannot function normally and ends up storing water.
The overconsumption of salt. Sodium, naturally present in the cells of the body, has the ability to retain fluids. Sometimes cells can grow up to 20 times their normal size. Consumed in large quantities, it has Absorbs water excessively and traps it in tissues.
Several medicines for high blood pressure (calcium blockers) as well as some anti-inflammatory drugs containing corticosteroids. In the long term, these treatments can cause a lot of water retention and therefore a considerable weight gain.
Remain standing or sitting for a long time.
The heat.
And finally, one last psycho-energetic reason: fear. It’s the feeling of insecurity and apprehension of the outside world, of the judgment of others… Watch this video in which I explain this particular reason for water retention (click on the image). It is Michel Odoul who talks about it in “Tell me where you hurt”.

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All About Progesterone and Progesterone Natutelle Cream

All About Progesterone and Progesterone Natutelle Cream

Q. are progesterone only pills safer?

A. It is more than 99 percent effective when taken correctly. This means that fewer than one in every 100 women who use the progestogen-only pill as contraception will become pregnant within a year. The progestogen-only pill is only about 91 percent effective when used “typically” (the way many women take it in real life).

Q. are progesterone tablets safe?

A. When taken orally: The progesterone prescription products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken orally under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Q. are progesterone and progestin the same?

A. Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone in the body that is produced by the ovaries and plays a variety of roles in the reproduction and menstruation cycles. Progestin is a lab-created hormone that is meant to mimic progesterone and act in the same way that it does in the body.

Q. are progesterone levels higher with twins?

A. Increased progesterone levels during pregnancy can indicate twins or an abnormal type of pregnancy known as a molar pregnancy. Increased progesterone when you are not pregnant could indicate that you have a lipid ovarian tumour, also known as chorionepithelioma.

Q. are progesterone injections painful?

A. Pain/swelling at the injection site, breast tenderness, headache, weight gain/loss, acne, nausea, increased body/facial hair, hair loss on the scalp, drowsiness, or dizziness are all possible side effects. Inform your doctor or pharmacist right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.

Q. are progesterone only pills better?

A. Pain/swelling at the injection site, breast tenderness, headache, weight gain/loss, acne, nausea, increased body/facial hair, hair loss on the scalp, drowsiness, or dizziness are all possible side effects. Inform your doctor or pharmacist right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.

Q. are progesterone pessaries safe?

A. Using progesterone vaginally can increase your chances of developing blood clots, stroke, heart attack, or breast cancer. Discuss this risk with your doctor. If you are pregnant, do not use progesterone vaginal, unless it is part of your fertility treatment.

Q. are progesterone pessaries effective?

A. Although the pessary had no overall treatment effect, it significantly reduced preterm delivery rates before 32 weeks in a subgroup of women with cervixes less than the 25th percentile (38 mm) (11 percent vs. 25 percent, RR 0.44; 95 percent CI 0.20–0.98).

Q. can progesterone cause depression?

A. Fluctuations in progesterone levels can have the same effect on emotions by altering brain chemistry, leading to depression. Estrogen becomes the dominant hormone, causing cortisol levels to rise and anxiety to increase.

Q. can progesterone pessaries cause bleeding?

A. This hormonal change can result in a temporary drop in progesterone levels. This shift may result in spotting or even heavy bleeding comparable to a period. The pregnancy can safely continue as long as the placenta begins producing enough progesterone, and the woman will not have a miscarriage.

Q. can progesterone cause weight gain?

A. Progesterone is also required for the body to function properly. It can fall as a result of stress, menopause, or the use of contraceptive pills. This can lead to weight gain, so you should meditate to relieve stress and anxiety and exercise regularly to avoid it.

Q. can progesterone make you tired?

A. You should be aware that progesterone can cause dizziness or drowsiness. Do not drive or operate machinery until you have determined how this medication affects you. If progesterone causes dizziness or drowsiness, take your daily dose at bedtime.

Q. can progesterone cause nausea?

A. Progesterone may also play a role in NVP when combined with oestrogen. Progesterone reduces smooth muscle contractility, which can alter gastric emptying and cause nausea and vomiting.

Q. can progesterone cause headaches?

A. Progesterone may also play a role in NVP when combined with oestrogen. Progesterone reduces smooth muscle contractility, which can alter gastric emptying and cause nausea and vomiting.

Q. can progesterone cause cramps?

A. Progesterone side effects commonly reported include abdominal cramps, depression, dizziness, and headache. Anxiety, cough, diarrhoea, fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, nausea, bloating, emotional lability, and irritability are some of the other side effects.

Q. can progesterone cause anxiety?

A. The fluctuation of oestrogen and another important hormone, progesterone, in your body can cause anxiety or depression. However, high anxiety or panic attacks on a regular basis are not a normal part of menopause. During menopause, some women experience panic attacks.

Q. how progesterone works?

A. After ovulation, progesterone prepares the endometrium for the possibility of pregnancy. It causes the lining to thicken in preparation for the acceptance of a fertilised egg. It also prevents uterine muscle contractions that would cause the body to reject an egg.

Q. how progesterone pills work?

A. The progestin in the pills has a number of effects in the body that aid in the prevention of pregnancy: The mucus in the cervix thickens, making sperm enter the uterus and fertilise an egg difficult. Progestin inhibits ovulation, but not consistently.

Q. how progesterone affects mood?

A. Progesterone has an effect on every part of your body. This potent hormone is in charge of so many things! Progesterone can improve your mood. Progesterone is a natural antidepressant that can help with anxiety, mood swings, and even postpartum depression.

Q. how progesterone prevents pregnancy?

A. Progesterone is the primary hormone responsible for preventing pregnancy. The primary mechanism of action is ovulation prevention; they inhibit follicular development and thus prevent ovulation. Progestogen negative feedback reduces the pulse frequency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the hypothalamus.

Q. how progesterone helps in pregnancy?

A. Progesterone promotes uterine (womb) growth and prevents contractions during pregnancy. Contractions in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. This is the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. Progesterone assists your breasts in preparing to produce breast milk later in pregnancy.

Q. how progesterone only pill works?

A. The traditional progestogen-only pill (POP) prevents pregnancy by thickening cervix mucus, preventing sperm from reaching an egg. Desogestrel, a progestogen-only pill, can also prevent ovulation. To be effective, the progestogen-only pill must be taken on a daily basis.

Q. how progesterone pessaries work?

A. The pessaries are started on the day of egg retrieval in this case. Progesterone acts on the womb lining, thickening it in preparation for a fertilised egg to implant. If a pregnancy is confirmed, the progesterone is continued for 38 days.

Q. how progesterone prevent ovulation?

A. The hormone progesterone is in charge of preventing pregnancy. The primary mode of action is to prevent ovulation by inhibiting follicular growth and preventing ovulation. Progestogen negative feedback reduces the frequency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulses in the hypothalamus.

Q. what progesterone level indicates ovulation?

A. Serum progesterone concentrations greater than 10 ng/mL on days 21 to 23 indicate normal ovulation, while concentrations less than 10 ng/mL indicate anovulation, insufficient luteal phase progesterone production, or improper sample collection timing.

Q. what progesterone level indicates ovulation in dogs?

A. Ovulation occurs when progesterone levels in the blood reach 5-6ng/mL. This value remains constant regardless of the size of the dog. Bitches will always ovulate around the same progesterone level, whether they are Chihuahuas, Labrador Retrievers, Mastiffs, or other breeds.

Q. what progesterone does?

A. After ovulation, progesterone prepares the endometrium for the possibility of pregnancy. It causes the lining to thicken in preparation for the acceptance of a fertilised egg. It also prevents uterine muscle contractions that would cause the body to reject an egg.

Q. what progesterone is in mirena?

A. The Mirena IUD produces levonorgestrel, a synthetic form of progesterone. Levonorgestrel works by thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the uterine lining, which prevents pregnancy. This synthetic hormone can also be used to prevent ovulation, though this is not always the case.

Q. what progesterone does to the body?

A. After ovulation, progesterone prepares the endometrium for the possibility of pregnancy. It causes the lining to thicken in preparation for the acceptance of a fertilised egg. It also prohibits uterine muscle contractions that would cause the body to reject an egg.

Q. what progesterone level indicates pregnancy?

A. 11.2 to 90.0 ng/mL or 35.62 to 286.20 nmol/L in the first trimester of pregnancy. 2nd trimester pregnancy: 25.6 to 89.4 ng/mL (81.41 to 284.29 nmol/L). Pregnancy third trimester: 48 to 150 to 300 ng/mL or 152.64 to 477 to 954 nmol/L

Q. what progesterone only pills are there?

A. There are two kinds of progestogen-only pills: 3-hour progestogen-only pill (traditional progestogen-only pill) – must be taken every day within 3 hours of the same time. 12-hour progestogen-only pill (desogestrel progestogen-only pill) – must be taken at the same time every day within 12 hours.

Q. progesterone cream return policy

A. Follow link for return policy .

Q. progesterone continuation

A. follow link for continuation

Q. what progesterone is in the mini pill?

A. Minipills are a type of birth control pill. It’s made with progestin, a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone that your body produces. Regular birth control pills contain progestin as well as oestrogen, a second female hormone. Combination birth control pills are what they’re called.

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FAQ about progesterone

What are the symptoms of low progesterone?

Symptoms of low progesterone for women who aren’t pregnant include:

    • headaches or migraines.
    • mood changes, including anxiety or depression.
    • low libido.
    • hot flashes.
    • irregular menstrual cycle.
    • weight gain.
    • fibroids, endometriosis.
    • thyroid dysfunction.

How do you treat low progesterone naturally?

Natural remedies to boost low progesterone levels include:

  • Eating more foods with zinc such as shellfish.
  • Upping your intake of vitamins B and C, which help maintain progesterone levels.
  • Regulating stress levels (cortisol is released when you’re very stressed, reducing progesterone levels)

When should I start taking progesterone?

Progesterone use should begin directly after ovulation, which is usually day 14 in the cycle (day 1 is the start of your period), and end usage once menstruation begins. The best way to know exactly when to begin progesterone cream is to track ovulation with fertility charting.

Do I need to fast for progesterone blood test?

No fasting required. … This blood test does not require fasting and results are available in one to two days. Insurance and a doctor’s order are not required when ordering this test. Progesterone is a female hormone produced by the ovaries during ovulation.

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Bioidentical Progesterone / Natural Progesterone Cream List

This is a free list that is updated occasionally. Before you buy any of these creams, be aware that different creams contain different amounts of USP Natural Progesterone. This means that you may have to adjust how much of the cream you use to achieve the dosage levels recommended by Dr. Lee. In his books, Dr. Lee based his dosage recommendations on creams that contain 450 to 500 milligrams of USP Natural Progesterone per ounce. We would encourage you to email or call the companies and ask how many milligrams per ounce they put in their creams so that you can adjust how much cream you use.

John Lee M.D. Solutions. Our product — ProgesterAll™ — contains 20 milligrams (mg) of micronized bioidentical USP Natural Progesterone per quarter teaspoon of cream, 480 mg in each ounce of cream, and 960 mg in every two-ounce tube. It is the same cream formula that Dr. Lee and his family have used for over two decades. It is the only cream that is authorized by the Lee family to have Dr. Lee s name on it. To learn more or to purchase ProgesterAll, come to our web site at

John Lee M.D. Solutions
Email us at :

Dr. Helen Pensanti’s Cream: Helen Pensanti MD,Inc., P.O. Box 7530, Newport Beach, Ca 92658, &,

Dr. Randolph’s Natural Balance Cream: For Women
this is Dr. Randy Randolph’s cream, which contains only progesterone as its active ingredient, and no chemicals.

Easy Way International, 5340 Commerce Circle, #E, Indianapolis, IN 46237, (800) 267-4522. They make Gentle Changes progesterone cream.

Emerita, Pro-Gest, 621 SW Alder, Ste 900, Portland. The original natural progesterone cream. A Division of Transitions For Health, Inc.,

Health Science, 420 Lexington Ave, Room 300, New York, NY 10170., Serenity Organics Bioidentical Progesterone Cream.

HM Enterprises, 2622 Bailey Dr., Norcross, GA 30071. website, or They make Happy PMS progesterone cream.

International Health, 8704 E. Mulberry St, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Makers of EssPro’Leve Plus Progesterone Cream with Essential Oils. Website:

Kevala, a division of Karuna, 42 Digital Drive #7, Novato, CA 94949 website,, e-mail They make PureGest Lotion which is free from additional hormones, herbs and alcohols.

Kokoro, LLC., P.O. Box 597, Tustin, CA 92781, (800) 599-9412, website They offer Kokoro Women s Balance Creme.

Life-flo Health Care Products, 8146 N. 23rd Ave., Ste. E, Phoenix, AZ 85021 , e-mail, website or They make Progestacare cream.

Natural Pause-Natural Menopause Solutions
11683 Noguera Ave, Ventura, CA , makers of Natural Pause cream.

Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc.
75 E. 1700 S., Provo, UT. 84606., e-mail,; Pro-G-Yam 500 Progesterone Cream with wild yam extract. Online distributor:

Products of Nature, 54 Danbury Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877, . – Connecticut – Texas
Maker of Natural Woman progesterone cream.

Pure Essence Labs, Inc.

1999 Whitney Mesa Drive, Suite A, Henderson, NV 89014, (888) 254-8000
Makers of FemCreme.

Vitality Lifechoice, Carson City, NV,. They make Balance Cream.

Vitamin Research Products, Inc.
3579 Highway 50 East, Carson City, NV 89701, makers of HerBalance Cream.

Women’s Health America, Inc., 1289 Deming Way , Madison , WI 53717 ,, email . Restore BioBalance Progesterone Cream.


If your doctor is interested in natural hormones but hesitant about prescribing an over-the-counter cream, you can put him/her in touch with a compounding pharmacist skilled in the use of natural hormone supplements, who can educate your physician and provide dosing guidelines. For a referral in your area contact IACP (International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists), (800) 927-4227, ext 300, or go online to the website address above.


Natural Progesterone Information Service
PO Box 24, Buxton, SK17 9FB

The Natural Progesterone Information Service aims to provide information on all aspects of the use of natural progesterone to women, doctors and other healthcare providers. NPIS also makes available many books, tapes, videos and scientific papers related to natural progesterone.

Natural hormones, including progesterone, are a prescription-only item in Australia.

Compounding Pharmacy
MJ Health & Beauty, 103 Isabella St, Wingham, NSW, 2429, Australia,

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Progesterone in men

Progesterone in men

Progesterone is understood as a feminine internal secretion, however males would like progestin to provide androgenic hormone. The adrenal glands and testes in males turn out progestin.

Progesterone levels in males ar like those of females within the cyst section of the oscillation, once the egg vesicle on associate degree ovary is getting ready to unleash associate degree egg.

Symptoms of low progesterone in males include:

Low progesterone levels in men will result in hair loss.

  • Low libido
  • Hair loss
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression

Abnormal condition, that is breast development in males

  • impotency
  • Impotence
  • Bone loss
  • Muscle loss

Men with low progesterone levels have a better risk of developing:

    • pathology
    • Arthritis
    • glandular carcinoma
    • Prostatism, associate degree obstruction of the bladder neck, usually related to associate degree enlarged ductless gland

As males age, androgenic hormone begins to say no, steroid levels rise, and progesterone levels fall dramatically.

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Progesterone Levels

Normal progesterone levels

Progesterone levels are relatively low before ovulation, and they usually increase when an egg is released from the ovary. Levels rise for several days and either continue to rise if pregnancy occurs, or they fall to initiate menstruation.

If progesterone levels do not increase and decrease monthly, this could indicate a problem with ovulation, menstruation, or both, and it may be a cause of infertility.

Women who experience a multiple pregnancy, meaning twins, triplets, and so on, typically have naturally higher levels of progesterone than those expecting one baby.

A blood test can be used to measure progesterone levels. The results can help determine the cause of infertility, track ovulation, help diagnose an ectopic or failing pregnancy, monitor pregnancy health, or assist in diagnosing abnormal uterine bleeding.

Why do progesterone levels fall?

Progesterone levels might fall as a result of of:

  • Toxemia, or toxemia of pregnancy, late in maternity
  • diminished perform of ovaries
  • Amenorrhea
  • ectopic gestation
  • Miscarriage

Why do progesterone levels rise?

Reasons for progestin levels rising might include:

  • female internal reproductive organ cysts
  • Non-viable pregnancies
  • A rare kind of female internal reproductive organ cancer
  • progestin production by the adrenal glands
  • Adrenal cancer
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)


Uses for progestin include treatment for:

  • Birth control
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Amenorrhea, or absence of menstruation
  • Endometriosis
  • Endometrial hyperplasia, an abnormal thickening of the uterus wall
  • Breast, kidney, or uterine cancer
  • Changes in hair growth
  • Changes in sexual desire
  • Anticancer hormonal therapy
  • Breast pain
  • Preventing premature birth
  • Acne
  • Infertility treatment, when used as a cream
  • Breastmilk production
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Human Nervous System and the Progesterone

Progesterone and the brain

By Margaret N. Groves Scientific author, ZRT Laboratory, Beaverton, Oregon

Many women area unit acquainted with progestin as a endocrine that’s essential for fertility and for sustaining a gestation. In fact, the name itself means that “promoting gestation.” Once a woman’s fruitful life begins to wane and she or he enters perimenopause, progestin production within the ovaries starts to say no. By the time she reaches biological time, current progestin levels area unit thus low, they’re just like those usually seen in men.

However, progestin is much over a physiological condition agent. analysis is currently emergence that shoes that the advantages of progestin reach to breast health, vessel health, and system health, most significantly brain perform. the remainder of this text can take a better consider simply however essential progestin is for your brain.

Progesterone as a “neurosteroid”

As a results of its vital functions within the system, progestin has been classified as a “neurosteroid”. it’s thus essential that it comes from 2 totally different places to achieve the brain: initial, cells within the brain, medulla spinalis, and peripheral system all synthesize progestin from cholesterin. Secondly, progestin that’s current within the blood conjointly has direct access to the brain and nerves.

Normal brain perform isn’t the sole issue progestin is needed for within the system. a crucial role of progestin is to shield the brain from harm and promote repair once injury. It truly will this by promoting the expansion and repair of the case that protects the nerve fibers.

Progesterone protects the brain from harm once traumatic brain injury

Around twenty years agone, researchers UN agency were learning rats once brain injury created a big observation. feminine rats that, at the time of the brain injury, were at the stage of their fruitful cycles once progestin levels were the best, had considerably less brain harm than male rats or females with lower progestin levels. Such analysis light-emitting diode ultimately to human clinical studies, that have found that prime doses of natural progestin have considerably improved patients’ survival from traumatic brain injury.

One trial, given the name “ProTECT”, randomised medical care patients with acute traumatic brain injury to either high dose progestin injections for three days or placebo injections. whereas all the patients were at a really high risk of death, solely thirteen of the progesterone-treated patients died of their brain injuries compared with half-hour of the placebo-treated patients.

A review printed this year suggests that not solely ought to progestin be accustomed treat traumatic brain injuries, however that it’s going to even have a task in treating stroke, owing to its powerful protecting effects on brain tissue. this is often a really exciting space of progestin analysis, as researchers and clinicians acknowledge the actual fact that natural progestin has a wonderful safety profile while not future aspect effects, creating it an honest candidate for top dose medical aid that may even be distributed during a home atmosphere as patients recover.

Progesterone and brain development – smarter kids?

There is printed proof that the youngsters of ladies UN agency were treated with progestin throughout gestation showed increased development throughout infancy, achieved higher tutorial results at ages 9-10, and were considerably additional possible to attend universities. whereas researchers acknowledge that progestin treatment couldn’t be claimed to push a brand new generation of “brainiacs”, the ascertained advantages will be explained by the actual fact that it’s essential for optimum development of a standard brain within the craniate. If progestin levels area unit too low, traditional brain development could also be affected, golf shot AN baby at a biological process disadvantage.

Progesterone eases anxiety and facilitates memory

Progesterone naturally metabolizes in brain tissues to the substance allopregnanolone, that is thought to supply calming, anti-anxiety and presumably increased memory effects. there’s some speculation that it may well be vital in conserving psychological feature perform in ladies experiencing the decline in progestin levels with age. However, it’s vital to notice that progestin is made by brain tissue itself, and then the reduction in blood progestin levels as gonad production decreases might not be as vital as alternative aging processes that have direct effects on the brain’s perform. it’ll be fascinating to ascertain any analysis on this as aging ladies progressively use progestin in endocrine replacement.

Progesterone as a sleeping aid?

Women victimisation AN oral progestin might notice a sedative result, and doctors typically suggest that the oral type is taken at hour (actually, it’s typically a welcome “side effect” that helps counteract the temporary state of perimenopause!) essentially, there’s an oversized amount of metabolites made within the liver once oral progestin is absorbed by the intestines. These metabolites have acknowledged sedative and hypnotic effects.

On the opposite hand, ladies victimisation progestin cream don’t turn out metabolites in such giant quantities as a result of the progestin is absorbed through the skin and bypasses the liver metabolism. However, as explicit before, some ladies might expertise progesterone’s calming result once victimisation it in cream type.

Progestins vs. Progesterone: Same effects?

Synthetic progestins area unit molecularly totally different from natural progestin and so don’t metabolise to identical compounds as natural progestin. they are doing not show advantages for psychological feature or anti-anxiety perform. In fact, they need not been found to possess any of progesterone’s neuroprotective properties. The {progestin|progestogen|steroid endocrine|steroid|sex hormone} that has been the foremost extensively studied and that is usually employed in artificial hormone replacement medical aid, MPA (medroxyprogesterone acetate), has been found to possess negative effects on the system and even reduces the helpful effects of sex hormone.

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Progesterone or progestogen or progestin : What are they

This editorial refers to combination oestrogen-progestin contraceptives but in the concluding sentences implies that levonorgestrel and norethisterone are types of progesterone. Stephenson in her letter refers to the etonogestrel containing implant as a progesterone implant.Progesterone appears to have been used as a synonym for progestin. The British Pharmacopeia  lists the action and use of progesterone and progestins such as levonorgestrel and norethisterone as progestogen. There appears to be a lot of confusion around the group name for progestational
agents. In 1976 Dalton argued that progesterone should not be confused with or considered the same as progestins (synthetic progestogens). Yet in 2009 it appears they are still being confused.

The confusion possibly arises because of the use of oestrogen and progesterone to represent the female sex hormones. Oestrogen is a generic term for oestrogenic agent, and there are three primary oestrogens in the
human body; oestrone (E1), oestradiol (E2), and oestriol (E3). On the other hand progestogen is the generic term for a progestational agent and progesterone (P4) is a single chemical entity and the primary progestogenic hormone synthesised by the human body. The termprogestin can be used to refer to synthetic progestational agents.

It appears that the difference between progesterone, progestogens, and progestins is still not appreciated. Confusion associated with interpreting research findings with regard to progesterone and progestins would be reduced if a consistent name, other than progesterone, was used to represent synthetic progestogens.

Synthetic progestins are molecularly different from natural progesterone and therefore do not metabolize to the same compounds as natural progesterone.  They do not show benefits for cognitive or anti-anxiety function.  In fact, they have not been found to have any of progesterone’s neuroprotective properties.  The progestin that has been the most extensively studied and which is commonly used in synthetic hormone replacement therapy, MPA (medroxyprogesterone acetate), has been found to have negative effects on the nervous system and even reduces the beneficial effects of estrogen.