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Recommendations for using ProgesterAll Cream

The following information is for general use and is not intended to incite self-diagnosis or self-help or the take the place of your doctor’s or health care expert.

Massage daily ¼ or ⅛ tea-spoon in the cream gently places where your skin is thin is. Think of places where you can blush like the neck and face, or to your chest, the inside of are one or thighs, your palms or soles of the feet (unless your hands or feet much callousing far-show).

The optimal approach is to quantity to be saved share in a large dose bed time and a small one dose in the morning. Or follow the instructions from your health professional. Should this distribution do not come out right, choose it for you most suitable time to apply the full dose of cream.gene. Choose every day for a different part of your skin to avoid excessive treatment of certain areas men.

You will find a small dot on the back of the ProgesterAll ™ tube you can use it to easily determine the dosage.A round, pea shaped blob of cream the size of the dot corresponds to approx1/16teaspoon cream, two of these blobs with⅛teaspoon. In front of¼teaspoon must you apply four pea-shaped dots.


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